Social Pages & Patreon Support

The name Almighty Assets was derived from Almighty Games, which is the name I use for publishing games on Steam.
Patreon Support
If you would like to show financial support during the construction of these assets, please consider becoming a Patron.
* Visit: AlmightyAssets Patreon Page
YouTube Channels
I will be releasing a series of promotional and instructional videos for Almighty Assets on the following YouTube channels.
* Visit: AlmightyAssets or AlmightyGamesDev YouTube Channels
Udemy Courses
Although most of my published Steam games have been 2D, I actually teach Blender and Unity 3D game design on Udemy.
* Visit: Instructor Billy McDaniel at
Twitter Channel
I sometimes post promotional videos and screenshots on my existing Twitter channel for Almighty Games
* Visit: @_AlmightyGames Twitter Channel
Twitch Broadcasting
I used to broadcast on Twitch daily. Although I no longer keep a schedule for live streams, I do still appear online from time to time.
* Visit: AlmightyGamesDev Twitch Channel
Facebook Page
This page was created for Almighty Games, but I may start posting some screenshots of my progress here too.
* Visit: AlmightyGames Facebook Page